white ceramic cup on saucer

Kat’s Ceremonial Cacao

If you've ever ben to a Cacao Ceremony and tasted bitter watery yukkyness and wondered what the hype is all about, this recipe will show you!

So you’ve attended a drum-making workshop with Kat, and she made you a ceremonial cacao. I know, I know, you couldn’t believe how delicious it was! Most of the cacao you’ve had was bitter, watery, and just blergh, but you were grateful for it nonetheless.
But Kat… Oh, Kat! her cacao was amazing!

Well, get yourself set up with some essential ingredients and get blending!

10-30 gms Ceremonial Cacao
300 mls Hot water or rose tea
2 big fat juicy and fresh Medjool dates (not dried)
1 teaspoon coconut oil
A pinch of sea salt
1 teaspoon of maca powder
1 drop orange essential oil (or other, to taste)

Place the dates in your blender, add about one-quarter of the water/tea and blend.
Add the rest of your ingredients and blend for about 30 seconds on a low to medium speed.
Find your favourite quiet spot and pour yourself some deliciousness.
Before sipping, take a moment to repeat this prayer, or your own version.

I give thanks to the earth, water, air, and fire.
I give thanks to each and every person who brought this cacao to me today.
I give thanks to myself for showing up right here right now and receiving this beautiful cacao medicine.

I use Cacao Collective (I am not affiliated) for their cacao and mini blender, and Pukka Herbs for their Love tea.

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